Wicca is a Earth Centered, Galactic religion with the main law or Wiccan Rede being “An it harm none, do as thou wilt.” It is the path of the wise - or White Witchcraft. A true Witch doesn’t use black magick because they know they would only be hurting a part of themselves for we are all one! Also there’s another universal law that states whatever you send out, be it good or bad, comes back to you three fold. Witches acknowledge psychic abilities like empathy, (which makes one feel the emotional and physical pains and pleasures of another). Many are into telepathy, (like Jesus), crystal ball scrying, divination of all sorts, (which helps connect them to the divine eternal family of Gods as well as their higher selves). Plus much more. They believe in the Great Goddess and Horned God, the God with antennas. Some eclectic Witches don’t believe in the Horned God but chose a non-horned deity as their God. But traditionally it’s the belief of the Great Goddess and Horned God. There are Eight main Sabbats of the wheel of the year that celebrate the seasons and the Gods activities during these times. Famous Witch shows are “Charmed”, “Practical Magic”, “The Craft”, “Bewitched”, “Sabrina the Teenage Witch”, A discovery of Witches”, just to name a few. True Witches are like the good Witch of the North from “The Wizard of Oz”. You can practice Wicca alone or in a coven. Traditionally or eclectic. It’s a very beautiful religion! More later…